Hi there, lovely. My name is Elizabeth Rhonda and I’m here to inspire you to feel confident and fabulous in your skin. My philosophy is simple: you look good, you feel good, and spreading love becomes effortless. I’m thrilled that you’ve found your way here. Continue reading to discover more.

As a beauty blogger, my goal has always been to cultivate both inner and outer beauty. As mentioned above, the better you look and the better you feel on the inside, the easier it is to spread love. As God's child, I was created to spread beauty and love. Let's talk more in-depth about that below.

Hi lovely, I am Elizabeth

Life is filled with much beauty, it’s all about perspective and what you see.

An overview of my story.

A lot has changed since I first started blogging. When I first began my blog, I was also working as a microbiologist, and at that time, the content primarily focused on my style. In 2019, I left my corporate job and took a break from blogging to focus on myself, and that time helped me to learn a lot about myself and strengthen my relationship with Christ. I can admit that I was not living for God, but when I resubmitted my life to Jesus Christ in December 2022, my life changed for the better.

One day, as I was listening to worship songs and praying. The Lord spoke to me and told me that when I returned to creating content, I should focus on beauty and sharing God’s love and light. I don’t know exactly what that looks like, but every day, I do my best to show up and allow God to lead me in this direction. I am doing my best to live out this calling, so my greatest prayer is that my blog and my social media serve as a place that provides great beauty inspiration, encouragement, and love.

Check out some of my features from along the journey below.



Here are a few of my features

Get to know the real me.

Currently: EAST COAST



DREAM CAR: Mclaren


BIGGEST GOALS: travel the world, buy a duplex housing unit for the homeless, plant fruit trees everywhere, and get a puppy.


Please use the contact form below if you want to collaborate with me or for any inquiries.