Live your best life

Living my best life began when I spent less time comparing my life to others and more time solidifying how I wanted my life to look. Being content with where I am on this life journey has led me to a life of peace.

Social media is a beautiful place to see new things and connect with new people, with this vast pool of connections and new-found experiences to discover. Social media exposes us to many incredible things but can expose us to insecurity by bringing comparison and discontentment if we are not careful.

In my life, social media has sometimes trapped me and brought me to a place of comparison. It wasn’t until I gained new friendships with people who seemingly had more than me materialistically that I learned to appreciate my life. Being around these people, I saw how empty they were inside, even though they seemingly had more than me materialistically. A lot of them barely enjoyed all the luxuries that they had—seeing this firsthand allowed me to appreciate my own life. In that realization, I found peace. The peace in my life came when I began to understand that there is more to life. I then began to express gratitude for where I was instead of wishing for a different life.

I've gone from riches to rags to rebuilding myself up again. In those experiences, I learned that life is what you make it.

You can have less materialistically but more than someone with all the luxuries they share on social media. It's about figuring out what your best life looks like for you. Within my own life, I realized that my best life looks like experiencing peace, joy, happiness, and more love. Of course, I enjoy the finer things, but the simple things make life worth living.

I said all this to remind you to create a life that looks good for you and focus less on what others display because, most times, it's smoke in mirrors. Instead, decide what your best life looks like with what you have accessible to you now and continue to live as you keep working towards the things you desire. Let me know what new things you discover and how you plan on living your best life right now instead of waiting for everything to be seemingly perfect.


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