Stylish with a message about confidence.

It’s a fantastic feeling to regain your confidence after being down for some time. It’s as if you’re a new person and can never return to that old way of being.

If you are facing a season where you are feeling less confident, I send you love. What helped me to regain my confidence was to reaffirm myself and remember who I am. I had to remember that vibrant, confident little girl. If you were not confident as a kid and have no memories of ever feeling confident, then today can be the day to reinvent yourself.

These tips will help you be more confident and allow you to enjoy this beautiful life.

First, reinvent yourself. To reinvent yourself, you must visualize the confident woman or man you want to be. Then begin to write down all the traits, characteristics, lifestyle, etc., of the confident person you want to be. That confident person is already within you; they need a little assistance from your higher self to appear. Next, step outside of yourself and be your counselor. Talk with yourself to process and understand where the insecurity and lack of confidence began. Then begin to reaffirm yourself. To reaffirm yourself, you must speak all the good things you want others to say over yourself until you believe it.

You must remove anything, or anyone you feel lowers your self-esteem and doesn't make you feel your best. You can't change people's view of you, and why would you want to? Get rid of the dead weight, work on yourself and be open to aligning with spaces and people who confirm the great feeling that you have about yourself. Please list what you enjoy doing and do more of it.

Next, work on your physical appearance. I'm natural, and I don't believe in surgical enhancements. Eating well, working out, and building a self-care routine will help you look better naturally. Also, finding the proper skincare routine, hairstyles that fit, and outfits that work for your body will increase your confidence. The final and most crucial piece for me has been developing my Spirituality.

Putting my faith and trust in God has played a massive part in rebuilding my confidence as I began to see how God sees me, even with all my shortcomings. I was able to forgive myself for the basic things, places, and people that I entertained. I now understand that not putting God at the forefront of my life was me operating as a low-vibrational version of myself. Operating as my true high-vibrational self has allowed me to see how God sees me, and as long as I focus on God, there is no way that I can ever lower myself or see anything but greatness. Also, remember that not everyone is going to find you attractive. Continue to work on being confident with how you look, irrespective of how other people might feel; those who love your look will gravitate toward you.

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