Day 16 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series

We're back with Day 16 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series. To Quickly recap, Advent is the preparation period for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. To prepare, we are partaking in daily devotionals until Christmas Day. With that said, let's jump right into today's devotional. 

The Lord put it on my heart to speak to those who may be lonely or brokenhearted during the holiday season. Let us read PSALM 34:18 AND Psalm 147:3. 

The holiday season is supposed to be a time of joy and cheer, but I know it is different for some. I hope these two scriptures comfort those who may feel lonely or hurt during this holiday. The Lord has come to mend the broken hearts and provide comfort. All you have to do is let Jesus into your soul. As you meditate on these two verses, listen to the song God is here by MARTHA MUNIZZI. This song always comforts me, and I pray it will comfort you during this time. Let us pray.


Dear Lord, I pray for those who are lonely this Christmas season and those who are suffering that you will visit them as Immanuel, God, with us. I pray that through their pain, your presence would wash over them, covering them with joy and peace. Amen.

We have concluded day 16 of our 25 Days of Advent series. As your sister in Christ, I hope you have a fantastic holiday season. Merry Christmas, and have a wonderful day. 


Day 17 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series


Day 15 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series