Day 7 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series

We're back with Day 7 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series. To Quickly recap, Advent is the preparation period for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. To prepare, we are partaking in daily devotionals until Christmas Day. With that said, let's jump right into today's devotional. 

Today, let us read Romans 12:12. The scripture says, Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. This scripture is more of a reset and a reminder of how our posture should be daily, especially during the holiday season. This scripture reminds us that during this holiday season, we should continue to be hopeful in Christ's coming and be patient when things are complex and not going our way. The only way to have continued hope and patience in times of difficulty is to pray. Prayer connects us to God and keeps us in perfect peace. When we leave our burdens at the feet of Jesus, we are free. We must understand that life has seasons, and each season builds us up, so we must never forget to stay hopeful and patient in every season. 

As you pray and meditate on today's scripture, Romans 12:12, listen to the songs Living Hope and Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham. 

Let us pray: Dear lord, thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you for being our living hope, and because you are our hope, we can have the patience and the perseverance to endure whatever season we are in. Dear lord, we commit our life and plans to your loving hands and lay them at your feet. Take our burdens and replace them with hope and joy. In Jesus name, amen. 

We have concluded day seven of our 25 Days of Advent series. As your sister in Christ, I hope you have a fantastic holiday season. Merry Christmas, and have a wonderful day. 


Day 8 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series


Day 6 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series