Add more gratitude

High vibration and a heart full of gratitude are gifts. Expressing gratitude is a form of self-care because it moves you from a victim mindset to a mindset where you feel confident living. It took me a lot of practice to get to a place where I can be grateful even when things are not going right. This practice has made a massive difference in my quality of being. Prayer is an excellent way to practice gratitude and being one with God. Allowing God’s love to mold your heart from anger to a grateful spirit is a game-changer.

I challenge you to wake up each morning, and instead of asking God for anything, thank God for everything with details. Then begin to monitor how much better you feel. I know when I started to practice more gratitude, there were times when something small would happen, and I wanted to fall into the old habit of pity for myself, but instead, I would catch myself and express gratitude to God for this moment—each day after became easier and easier to express gratitude. My hope for you is that you can find ways to add more gratitude daily because it’s truly a game-changer, especially during your self-care journey. I recommend starting a gratitude journal or, as mentioned, a challenge each morning to express more gratitude.

I hope this post was helpful on your journey to glowing and growing in Christ. Below are some valuable tools that I used to jumpstart my new journey in Christ, and I hope these tools will also be helpful to you.


8 things I prioritized on my self-care journey


5 Self-care gift ideas