Day 24 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series

We're back with Day 24 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series. To Quickly recap, Advent is the preparation period for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. To prepare, we are partaking in daily devotionals until Christmas Day. With that said, let's jump right into today's devotional.

We have one day until Christmas, and I’m so excited this year. I’m excited for Christmas, but today, let us read 2 Corinthians 9:15. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

I Thank God daily for the gift of Jesus, and as we prepare for Christmas tomorrow, let us have a posture of reverence and thanksgiving for who God is. God loves us so much that he sent us his son so that we should have life and life more abundantly. Words can not express the gift of knowing Jesus Christ. 

As you meditate on 2 Corinthians 9:15, reflect on who God is and who God has been to you. As you reflect, listen to the song Because of Who You Are by MARTHA MUNIZZI and allow yourself to worship and praise God Today. 

I also want to thank you for watching and participating in the devotionals. I hope that they were a blessing to you as they were to me. I was truly stretched spiritually and I Thank God for stretching me and allowing me to be used. 

We have concluded day 24 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series. As your sister in Christ, I hope you have a fantastic holiday season. Merry Christmas, and have a wonderful day. 


Day 25 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series


Day 23 of our 25 Days of Advent devotional series